Did you know that child marriage is legal in 40 U.S. states? Join us this week as we discuss the legal loopholes for child marriage in the U.S., what modern-day child marriage looks like, and the dangers for those married before 18. We discuss real stories of this happening in the U.S., highlight some reasons children may be married off, and discuss the legal challenges minors face if they seek to escape their marriage. On a more positive note, we highlight the efforts of Unchained at Last, a non-profit dedicated to ending childhood marriage in the U.S., and a recent pledge by the U.S. to end child marriage by 2030. Don’t forget to follow us and MISGO on social media and send us any questions, comments, or topics for discussion! Also check out our Etsy shop, where you can find Traffick Jam and MISGO merch! Instagram: @momsinsecurity // @traffickjampodcast Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: Moms In Security Global Outreach Twitter: @MomsInSecutiry Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/momsinsecurity?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1483964036 Unchained at Last: https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/